Saturday, April 14, 2012

Survival questions

[:1]Number 1. Am I doing this right, on group pulls spam Cobra shot and Multi shot ( to spred serpent sting) and single tgts Serpent sting, explosive shot, and rotate back and forth from cobro shot to explosive when its up till target is dead.

Number 2. I am still using the raptor from the goblin starting quest line and not really collected anything else for survival spec. What pet should i use for dungeons and raiding in survival.

Number 3. My haste when i proc abilities goes to about a 1.56 cast time on cobra shot, should i spec now into crit more or mastery more.

Number 4. What is more preferred, MM or Survival for dungs. and raids?

Maybe I can add a little to the discussion, although Maybella has already provided very sound info.

1. You want to fit 3 cobras between each explosive shot. Make sure to have enough Focus saved up to cast both Explosive and BA when BA is close to coming off Cooldown. During LnL procs your Priority should be Explosive --> Cobara --> Explosive -->BA/Arcane -->Explosive

2. Look at this link for suggested pets to cover all your raid buffs:
(its an MM guide, but it covers pets also)

3. You want your Cobra Shot cast time to be at or slightly under 1.66. Without the 4pT11 set bonus this requires 757 haste rating. Reforge any excess into Crit then Mastery where available, assuming you are at the hit cap.

4. I find it necessary for raiding, especially doing progression to have at least 2 different specs. I feel like SV is the easiest and can do the Shot Priority in my sleep, so I tend to lean on this when doing fights for the firs time. SV is also the best AoE spec which is very handy for fights where you are having to dps down multiple adds fast like Cho'Gal, Magmaw, Maloriak.

In perfect world with all buffs and 100% uptime on single target boss fights, MM is the highest DPS spec followed by BM and then SV. They are all competitive.

Best of Luck and Happy Hunting,

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