Saturday, April 21, 2012

DPS Class for not super easy play but good c

DPS Class for not super easy play but good casual play Hunter or DK?

I been playing a Druid and got to 85 and the DPS is pretty darn good in kitty and of course swipe owns. But with Paladins they never seam to get past me these days. My own Paladin almost 70 in only a few days does some great damage. But after really experiencing it in Dungeons I found it not enjoyable one bit.

I was thinking to taking a break playing 1-70 in like 3 days does break a man anyways. I was thinking of making a DK or a Hunter.

Hunter owns cuz of the pets. DK owns cuz of the DK lol..

The big question is how easy is a DK and it's rotations end game for DPS dungeons and raids? Also does a DK do great AOE. It seams like the tanks do a crap load but not sure what just a pure DPS does.

Thanks for your time.

I take it you are focusing on PvE? In that case it's preference. Just try both and see which playstyle you enjoy more. No class is hard or easy in PvE. That changes slightly in PvP and if you were going to focus on PvP comparing DK to hunter is like comparing Arnold in his prime with an old cripple granny. DK is insane for PvP and hunter is struggling a bit. For PvE both classes do good dmg, DK might be the slightly easier in terms of how to maximize your DPS but both are easy to max if you aren't retarded.

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