Monday, April 16, 2012

Pet talents keep vanishing?

Is it normal for pet talents to keep vanishing?

It seems every day when I log onto play my hunter my pet has lost all it's talents. I first notice it when my pet isn't dashing and sure enough, my entire pet talent tree is empty and waiting for me to rebuild my tree.

Is this related to the recent patch or is this a problem with my character?
Same thing is happening to me. It happens when I logon and when I level up.
Well the first question is , are you making sure to save the talents when you spec the pet? Next question is is this a stabled pet or one you carry all the time. Also are you noticing this when swapping from BM to surv or vice versa.
Yes I save every time, I know this because my pet dashes which is a talent point.. it's how I notice my talents are gone.. when she is no longer dashing at mobs.
It's a pet I use all the time, I never stable her or switch her out for another pet.
I only have one spec.

Perhaps it's linked to the rolling restarts or something.. seems my server is restarted every day lately.
I am experiencing this as well. In fact, when I leveled my hunter to 76 last night, the pet I had out also leveled to 76, then I saw a whole bunch of scrolling text telling me that all the pet's special talents had been unlearned. I looked at his talent tree and all the talent points had been refunded, so I had to put all the points back in and save it again. When I brought my other pets out, they only had one or two points that needed allocating, so this talent point refund only seems to affect the pet you have out at the time.
This issue has been mentioned by others as well, in these threads:

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