Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mastery and hunters

I took a two month break from the game...

Two months ago I read on a website that Mastery was good for MM but bad for Survival and Beast Mastery.

I read in the sticky that "Mastery is usually the least desired stat for Marksman hunters and is the stat most often reforged into Crit, Hit or Haste."

My question... is mastery the least useful stat from all hunter specs? And, is it really least desirable for MM hunters for real.
You're correct, Mastery is the least desired stat. That doesn't mean it's a bad stat, just that we'd prefer everything else to Mastery. That is, for MM hunters.

For SV hunters, Master is second only to Crit, while Haste is generally the least desirable stat. Of course, there is a Haste plateau to reach, but adding more past that point does not noticeably affect your DPS.

For BM, I have seen some back and forth about Crit builds vs. Mastery builds, but I still believe that Crit is better in a general sense. Crit affects both your damage and your pet's damage, while Mastery only affects your pet's damage.
You're correct, Mastery is the least desired stat. That doesn't mean it's a bad stat, just that we'd prefer everything else to Mastery. That is, for MM hunters.

For SV hunters, Master is second only to Crit, while Haste is generally the least desirable stat. Of course, there is a Haste plateau to reach, but adding more past that point does not noticeably affect your DPS.

For BM, I have seen some back and forth about Crit builds vs. Mastery builds, but I still believe that Crit is better in a general sense. Crit affects both your damage and your pet's damage, while Mastery only affects your pet's damage.

So survival it's really
1) hit
2) Crit
3) Haste to a certain point
4) Mastery

Beast Mastery would be
1) Hit
2) Crit
3) Mastery
4) Haste

MM Would be
1) Hit
2) Crit
3) Haste
4) Mastery
The current plan is (I hope somebody corrects me if I'm wrong)
1. Hit to 6% for heroics and 8% for raid.
2. Haste until your Cobra Shot is at (or just under) 1.66 seconds. Just under to account for lag and reaction times.
3. Crit
4. Mastery
5. Any left-over haste

BM also wants to get the 1.66 second Cobra shot cast. Kill Command has a 6 second cooldown, just like Explosive Shot, so the Haste plateaus are in the same spot for those two specs. If you check out the 4.1 SV guide that needs to get stickied, there is some conversation about going for a 1.4 second or 1.2 second Haste plateau with the 4-pc T11 bonus.
The last time I was checking my dps on female dwarf... I noticed my dps went up when I hit a 1.59 cobra shot... and when I hit 1.60+ I got a decrease in DPS.

That would be for survival.

T2 - BM Huntes

Is there any more T2, 2.2k geared BM hunter out there if so post here pls

Hunters of the Horde!!!

Concussive Shot

2 things.

1. Why does crippling poison get to be 70% slow vs my 50% slow? Yay rogue and other melee train me.

2. Why does chains of ice get to be 90% slow vs my 50% slow? Yay dk and other melee train me.
1. You can MC out of it and use Concussive Shot to limit them to 50% max
2. CoI only reduces speed by 60% now
Btw, with MC yes you can get out of it, but for how long? A half second til they apply the slow again? Tell me the reasoning behind blizzard screwing hunters out of a valid way to stop being trained by melee.
Ok, let me clarify something. This is what I see melee do, HUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRR huntard, lets train that guy. And you know what happens, I end up dying due to being stunned and slowed for 30sec.
If you're even being hit by melee, you're doing something wrong
@Jägerhund, your spec and gear for pvp makes me ): mastery= a no no.

Other thing chains of ice hasn't been 90% slow since Wrath so there you go. Glyphed MC (which you should have but you don't) is 8 seconds of freedom, you will almost always be slowed in arena. 9/10 classes have a slow so you better get used to it, hunters have 4 if you count snake slows, so please don't QQ about being slowed all the time because we have more then most other classes.
Also you are under hit capped for pvp, dual wielding is bad and you don't even have a chain on one of the weapons anyway so I see no point, and the tabard of earthen ring is ugly D:
Last time I checked, the Concussive Shot glyph does absolutely nothing. check again?

Best Leveling Spec for Hunters?

I want to make a hunter alt, and almost have all the heirlooms in my bank enchanted, and the race chosen (undead, of course!). Now all that's left is advice from other hunters about the best leveling spec.

And by best I don't mean fastest, a combination of the funnest and easiest spec.

I remember pre-cata Beast Mastery was the best but that could have changed just like for rogues it went from combat to subtlety.

Edit: I'm going to be questing to level.
They all level about the same. For fun factor, I went Beast mastery, because that's the only way i can have my pet rock beat the crap out of everything.
My hunter is currently level 64 and has been one-shotting virtually every normal mob since he got aimed shot, and he doesn't even use an heirloom weapon.

Fun is subjective, but I personally find it "fun" to blow through quests so easily.
I liked lvling as survival personally. Explosive shot is fun and gets used consistently.

I've never been a fan of BM but I'm sure it makes a great lvling spec.

Aimed shot was pretty useless at the lower lvls if you ask me, especially if you plan on doing dungeons where the mobs are dead before you get an aimed shot off.

Each spec will kill your target plenty fast, so just gotta try them all out.

Aimed shot + white damage.

Move on to next mob.

They're all pretty close now with survival getting explosive at 10.

I'd have to give the edge to marksman once you can get deep enough in the tree to pickup the talent that gives you 50 focus for killing something though.
As previous posters have said, all the specs are viable now. Personally I think BM is easiest to level. I remember levelling most of the way in MM, then trying out BM around level 60 something. Wow, it was a lot easier to not pull aggro off the pet in BM. While you will miss out on one-shotting mobs, the pet will keep you alive more easily.
Get a tank pet for multiple mob pulls, ferocity or tenacity when pulls are single.
Since you seem to have really good gear lined up, you can probably have fun with all the specs and see what you like. At level 30 you can dual spec and switch on the fly depending on what you are facing next. Now that dual spec is like 10g LoL.
Have fun.
Bm is easiest to level and is great fun

Mm sucks wiener

Surv is by far the most fun for me but the slower leveling one and surprisingly enough, I do 7-8.4k dps (mm only gave me 4-5k)
I want to make a hunter alt, and almost have all the heirlooms in my bank enchanted, and the race chosen (undead, of course!). Now all that's left is advice from other hunters about the best leveling spec.

And by best I don't mean fastest, a combination of the funnest and easiest spec.

I remember pre-cata Beast Mastery was the best but that could have changed just like for rogues it went from combat to subtlety.

Edit: I'm going to be questing to level.

forget them, they know not what they be speaking.. go BM for faster leveling and fun, and if you get bored, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SWEET do not go MM!! Go surv at a higher level (80) for some massive fun and amazing dps if you spec right and glyph right and pick ur shots right.

MM gave me only 4-5k DPS, surv gave me 7-9ish KDPS

Go tauren btw, theyre the coolest ;)

Good luck leveling your hunter, remember it can get boring sometimes but dont give up on it, it will get better.

P.S. if you have any questions pst me in game

Aimed shot + white damage.

Move on to next mob.

this man does not lie tho..
SO many different responses. But I guess I'll try them all then. Most likely go to BM because I'll pull off the pet all the time.

And I have too many Tauren already lol.

Thx for the advice.
From my experience with this toon BM is rather weak until you unlock the later tiers. I'm considering changing spec's until i get beast mastery and/or Bestial wrath. You gotta understand that rite from the getgo we are left at a disadvantage because we get a stun rather than another dps spell.
I'm BM right now and I'm loving it. Mobs go down extremely easily, I can pretty much aggro as many as I want. My kill command crits are insane on mobs around my level. Granted, I haven't tried MM or surv recently since I started playing wow again, but BM has worked out quite nicely.
careful aim plus aimed shot plus that talent that restores 50 focus when you kill something = incredibly fast leveling. You will kill mobs before your pet gets halfway there.
Seeing as how my first level capped toon was a hunter, I can't say much about leveling one with heirlooms. But going on the multitude of posts I've read on the matter, I will point out that leveling as BM (with heirlooms) is probably not your best bet. I'm betting you have access to make (and enchant) all the rest of your gear as well. I know I do for all my alts on my main realm.

When throwing (fully enchanted) heirlooms into the mix, you're probably better off with MM or SV. Even though BM is about your pet doing more damage, you're still going to be doing so much more yourself (in comparison) that it's going against the whole playstyle. You may as well just play a spec that focuses on that to begin with.
The best spec is the one that keeps you sitting behind your comp while you grind, so basically any of em. You have a pet and range, you won already.

How long does it take to hit 85 from 56?

Hi guys, I was wondering. How long would it take to hit 85 with my current level. I am talking with about an average of 8 hours of game time per day. Currently I am using BM spec to level.

Could anyone please advise?

Also, is pure questing following a guide faster or constant dungeons with a little questing as dps has a longer waiting time.
Is your main in the guild u are in? cause you can buy the BOA shoulder/chest/cape/helm which would make lvling really fast.
Nope. This is my main. haha
Leveling tends to slow down at Outland quite dramatically. With the update to Old World, OL is, in my opinion, one of the slowest phases of leveling. Lots of "Go here, collect 20 of this item that drops from one bloke 3% of the time" (Credit to Zero Punctuation for that one).

Northrend tends to be more interesting, and thus passes quickly. Same for 80-85, especially on your first time.

Leveling speeds vary from person to person, and depend on class, spec, whether your leveling proffesions etc. My advice would be to chill out and enjoy the leveling experience - you only experience everything for the first time once, as confusing and sentimental as that sounds.

And level cap can be more boring than leveling, sometimes.
6 months ago 56-70 took me 60 hrs. Outland and BG weekends.

last month, 61-70 15 hrs. hellfire, 1/2 zangarmarsh, nagrand, borean..
had good gear and enchants and could solo all the 5 man quests

last week 70-80 37 hours dragonblight, zuldrak, sholozar

80+ LFD is great, good items and decent xp, runs only take 30 min

instances are slow leveling, and not worth it for gear you'll outgrow in a day but you can get nice blues from LFD and justice points later to buy BOA shoulders for xp bonus. Also, if you can just find a high level guild for xp bonus and other perks, do it.

train herb/mining (tons of xp from it, but not from skinning?) and gold or mats for your final profession, get a speed enchant on your boots, gathering on your gloves, buy the fastest mounts asap, use carbonite.
One thing that really helps, buy outland gear from AH at 67, buy cata greens at 77 2-3 levels before you need them. The gear is so much better than anything you can find in zone - you will fly thru quests.

You can prob average 4hrs per level.

Hunter Bug Fix Patch Question.

* Hunters will automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.

That is printed in the PTR patch notes, and I'm confused as to how it works and why its being put in. If how I interpret it is correct, then if a hunter who is casting Steady shot on a target, and that target dies, the steady will just switch to a new target. How does that make sense?

It brings up a flaw in most DPS classes. People need to learn that if a target is at low health, maybe a big, long cast nuke isn't the right choice, and use a quicker spell or instant to get your DPS in. I've learned this the hard way for 5 years of getting to the end of a Fireball/Frostbolt only to have it say "Your target is Dead." And of all the classes why hunters? it would seem that they have a lot more choice in instant speed abilities.

/ignore this rant if I'm wrong in my assumptions, or if its to fix another issue, but it just doesn't seem right to put a Buff like this in. Especially if Blizz is wanting people to "Choose the right spell for the right time!"

Thanks for your time! :D
The patch notes were updated to say the following, at least the comment by Chrth said so:

“Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.”
okay then it was a mistake on my end. Thanks!
The patch notes were updated to say the following, at least the comment by Chrth said so:

“Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.”

Finally. What a frustrating thing that was, causing hunters to pull additional groups when they legitimately did not intend for that to happen (yes, we all know it is not always unintentional).

Camouflage vs Stealth

Will Rogues finally be able to open on a Camouflaged Hunter after 4.1, or will we have to wait longer?

Inb4 "working as intended" - Blizzard said it isn't.
This is new and interesting!
Will Rogues finally be able to open on a Camouflaged Hunter after 4.1, or will we have to wait longer?

Inb4 "working as intended" - Blizzard said it isn't.

Where in the patch notes does it say:
1. All openers are now treated as melee attacks and therefore can be blocked, dodged, and parried
2. Hunters in camouflage and no longer protected from ranged attacks

You have your answer. FoK hunters.
camo on a flare = win
camo =/= stealth
camo < stealth

Inb4 "working as intended" - Blizzard said it isn't.


Also, learn to read patch notes.
There's been a few responses from tickets where a GM says it's not working as intended.
There have also been a few where they said it is.
They're somewhere on the DDF.

Who even knows anymore.
off topic... hi stalked!
Will Rogues finally be able to open on a Camouflaged Hunter after 4.1, or will we have to wait longer?

Inb4 "working as intended" - Blizzard said it isn't.

Where in the patch notes does it say:
1. All openers are now treated as melee attacks and therefore can be blocked, dodged, and parried
2. Hunters in camouflage and no longer protected from ranged attacks

You have your answer. FoK hunters.

No but thats the stupid thing, why should FoK work while openers dont?
We as stealth classes NEED to have the first move so we can set up our dps, you hunters dont.
Hunters already have too many tools against stealth in the first place, a pet that will IMMEDIATELY snare you out of stealth if your even close to the hunter and a flare, did they really need camo as well against stealth classes?
Plus with 4.1 we wont be able to chain you anymore with a disarm.
Oh noes, you'll just have to rely on your winning personalities to beat us.

That and your 70% snare, teleport, stunlocks and bleeds that ignore Deterrence.

If you can't beat us without getting a Cheap Shot off, you don't deserve to win.

Where in the patch notes does it say:
1. All openers are now treated as melee attacks and therefore can be blocked, dodged, and parried
2. Hunters in camouflage and no longer protected from ranged attacks

You have your answer. FoK hunters.

No but thats the stupid thing, why should FoK work while openers dont?
We as stealth classes NEED to have the first move so we can set up our dps, you hunters dont.
Hunters already have too many tools against stealth in the first place, a pet that will IMMEDIATELY snare you out of stealth if your even close to the hunter and a flare, did they really need camo as well against stealth classes?
Plus with 4.1 we wont be able to chain you anymore with a disarm.

Dude, another class gives you trouble. Hunters can't kill spriests and aff locks, and have trouble with frost mages.

When you can allow your openers to be dodged, blocked, and parried, you can hit hunters in camo.
Its not that openers don't work on camo, but what bugs me is that no melee attack other than auto attack does. Tested it myself and hemo didn't work, neither did backstab. Auto attacking did.

At least openers not working would make sense due to them being coded as ranged, but its quite disturbing that this ability was left in its state. And not to mention traps being resisted.

Lack of professionalism from Blizz regarding the hunter class is what I see here.
Its not that openers don't work on camo, but what bugs me is that no melee attack other than auto attack does. Tested it myself and hemo didn't work, neither did backstab. Auto attacking did.

At least openers not working would make sense due to them being coded as ranged, but its quite disturbing that this ability was left in its state. And not to mention traps being resisted.

Lack of professionalism from Blizz regarding the hunter class is what I see here.

Because those can't be parried, dodged, or blocked while in stealth...
Its not that openers don't work on camo, but what bugs me is that no melee attack other than auto attack does. Tested it myself and hemo didn't work, neither did backstab. Auto attacking did.

At least openers not working would make sense due to them being coded as ranged, but its quite disturbing that this ability was left in its state. And not to mention traps being resisted.

Lack of professionalism from Blizz regarding the hunter class is what I see here.

Because those can't be parried, dodged, or blocked while in stealth...

But I wasn't in stealth.
Actually it doesn't make sense for rogues to not have the opener on a camo'd Hunter. I completely see the logistics behind the argument here.

And for the warlock saying Hunters can't beat Sps, mages, and locks....cmon dude. I can pretty much burst any clothie (besides a disc priest) down so fast they can't do much about it. Any smart Hunter can also kite a rogue forever, so I see no reason why Rogues shouldn't get the first opener if the hunter doesn't have that flare up on top of them.

Because those can't be parried, dodged, or blocked while in stealth...

But I wasn't in stealth.

question: why are you using hemo? shouldn't you be using FoK to get them out of camo?
Positional attacks also can't be dodged, blocked, or parried by design.
Oh noes, you'll just have to rely on your winning personalities to beat us.

That and your 70% snare, teleport, stunlocks and bleeds that ignore Deterrence.

If you can't beat us without getting a Cheap Shot off, you don't deserve to win.

learn to master's call, learn to disengage after ShS is used, learn to deterrence, learn that omfg bleeds and all other existing dots that have already been applied do damage through deterrence holy *!#! it is not a bubble. Dont treat it like one
Actually it doesn't make sense for rogues to not have the opener on a camo'd Hunter. I completely see the logistics behind the argument here.

And for the warlock saying Hunters can't beat Sps, mages, and locks....cmon dude. I can pretty much burst any clothie (besides a disc priest) down so fast they can't do much about it. Any smart Hunter can also kite a rogue forever, so I see no reason why Rogues shouldn't get the first opener if the hunter doesn't have that flare up on top of them.

Considering that soul link + regular cloth armor gives more physical damage reduction than mail, you are most likely hitting low resil targets.
Oh noes, you'll just have to rely on your winning personalities to beat us.

That and your 70% snare, teleport, stunlocks and bleeds that ignore Deterrence.

If you can't beat us without getting a Cheap Shot off, you don't deserve to win.

learn to master's call, learn to disengage after ShS is used, learn to deterrence, learn that omfg bleeds and all other existing dots that have already been applied do damage through deterrence holy *!#! it is not a bubble. Dont treat it like one

group pvp is balanced.
Mages spell steal MC.
Rogues share few DR with other classes.

How does any of this help if you're feared, then polyed, then stunned with DoTs ticking all over your face? Btw, your healer is sapped, and the warrior you're running with got frozen by the damned ice.

Deterrence oddly worded

I was using Deterrence on the final boss of ZA when he was in bear form and still died on one attempt. That was before we relized we had to have range take turns with the hits.

Seems odd that Deterrence didn't save me from that charge in bear form.

But wanted to point out the tool tip for Deterrence. Am I just missing something... but just seems odd to use the words "increases" and then "reduces".... seems like it's just oddly worded.

When activated, increases the chance melee attacks will miss you by 100%, reduces the chance ranged attacks will hit you by 100%, and grants 100 % chance to deflect spells. While Deterrence is active, you cannot attack. Lasts 5 seconds.
I'm starting to wonder if Deterrence even works anymore. I've died to multiple ZA / ZG bosses with it up.

Trap Suggestion!

Allow Trap Launcher to launch a trap at a target, allowing for Freezing Traps to immediately take effect on the intended target or for area traps (Snake trap, explosive, ice) to immediately activate at the target's feet. Retain focus cost on Trap Launcher so it's still beneficial to drop traps manually if at all possible.
But they want hunters to by hit capped irl in order to play.
I would prefeer to add the current trap launcher mechanic into our traps already (if we want to lay them on the ground, just recast it or shot them down :/)

And the trap launcher skill would make the next trap used to be shooted in the current target, but then the trap effects wouldn't spread, affecting only the target (explosive/immolation/snake/ice trap)

Tia's Grace and Fluid Death- Do they Stack?

Out of curiosity, do these two trinkets buffs stacks?

First Season Arena Experience..Beastmaster

My Partner is a Resto Shaman..

1st Match.. Rogue Mage... LOS issues.. we lose..
2nd Match SAME TEAM... No LOS Issues.. We win.. ok.. fair enough..
3rd MAtch Holy Pally DK... We pull DK away from Pally.. DK dies.. Holy pally then runs
around Tomb.. unkillable for the next 35 min.. Draw.

4th Match Single Holy Pally Qs up.. after 10 min of him running around and jumping
Arena partner Quits in disgust...

Thank you Blizzard.. for this Wonderful experience...

The best i could do.. was get the pally down to 19% got the killshot off.. he went to 8%
then healed back to 72%... (in the 3rd match)
run double dps in 2s. Hunters can't solo healers well. Last patch, I ran MM/Restodruid and though we still won most matches, they would often last up to 45 minutes.

Now, I run feral/BM and things have been great. We had a rash of losses yesterday, but both me and my partner were kinda distracted with other things. But if you keep widow's venom on the dps target (I never used this before until now), trap the healer and burn the dps, you will most likely win. I use a spirit beast and my feral partner is not afraid to throw heals. Widow's venom will usually counter any hots when coupled with bleeds so any straight damage we do will be visible. Then we have him cyclone after the healer trinks my trap as well as 2 stun locks on the dps target at opportune times.

Though, I understand that your partner and you may be close and want to make it work. BM can still kill a healer 1 on 1 if you have all your CDs, use scatter to interupt heals, use intimidation at the lower portion of their health, and have snakes on them. Your partner should also be windshearing any hardcast heals as well.
Well the first thing ur doing wrong is ur comp. Hunters are not supposed to 2s with a healer. It doesnt work it simply doesnt. Im a BM hunter also and im sitting on 2k in my twos with another DPS. this isnt blizzards fault as u say, its ur poor shoice in comp.
If you're rolling BM for burst in 2's you need to run with another class with interrupts and stuns. Most melee are well equipped to support a hunter, especially a BM one. 2's is very unforgiving as far as comps are concerned. The great thing with double dps is that the matches don't last too long.
"My Partner is a Resto Shaman.."

I literally stopped reading there.

Hunter + healer in 2 = auto lose. I thought this would of been a common fact.

How are Hunter's Farming Ability?

Hypothetical situation :

Your farming for the blue proto drake everyday, what skills and abilities does the hunter have to effectively heal, and tank through all the mobs in that heroic?

I'm just wondering because not playing a hunter before, I assume if you take aggro off the pet he you won't be able to do anything melee distance.

Example : paladins have heal, warlock life tap etc..
Glyph of Misdirect
Spirit Bond
Chimera Shot. That alone should get you through with ease, especially since you can camo/feign past all other bosses and trash.
At 85 its really easy. misdirect on pet and make sure to not go crazy dps if MM or SV spec. then just mend pet and feign death if you get agro. you dont have a good heal if you r taking alot of damage but at 85 you can let alot of lower lvl content stuff hit u for a few and not worry about it. band aids help and if BM the passive health regen talant works ok.

like above camo helps bypass mobs quicker.

A tank pet like a turtle helps out too for thunderclap aoe threat.
another cool trick with kiting as a hunter is to MD your pet, put ur pet on passive and have him take any direct damage while you heal/have spirit bond up.

You can even solo some Firelands trash using that method...

Hunters=best solo farming class in the game as far as i'm concerned.
Alright cool, thanks guys.

Kung fu.

Whats going on with my team, I mean Kung fu comp is a viable comp right? (for 2s bleh can't help it, can't get a good shaman for 3s) but my friend and I found it far more dificult to get along than when he was playing fury warrior (I MEAN REALLY 2 WARRIORs > KUNG FU?) he complains about me fighting behind boxes, but they will just heal to full health if I retreat... what do you guys do in dalaran arena when their healers hide behind the boxes? its our main problem right now :(

EDIT: the problem is when both enemies hide behind the boxes

Hunter AOE

Hey guys,

I hit 85 a little after Cataclysm came out but had to take a break for school. Now I'm back and ready to start the dungeon grind to obtain my gear, but I want to be prepared before I go in.

I've found all sorts of rotation information for bosses but I just have a quick questions about trash aoe. When running a dungeon, is it actually beneficial to drop an explosive trap, or does the recent buff to multi shot make it more viable to focus solely on that shot, with cobra shots weaved in to replenish focus? I would imagine dropping the trap and then focusing on multi shot is the way to go, but I wanted a more experienced opinion on if it was even worth dropping the trap on short trash fights.
If the trash is going to live long enough for the explosive trap to tick a decent number of times, then yes. The thing ticks pretty hard, but it is a DoT, which means that the mobs have to live long enough for it to tick on them.

Buffed multishot is insane. I did like 70k aoe dps last night on one of those big trash pulls in ZG. It was kind of amazing.
Personally (If we are talking all out dps on more than 5 mobs) I drop explosive and snake trap, disengage, misdirect, and begin muti-shot with steady/cobra rotation. If you're survival those traps will definitely help because of your mastery.

As marks though with the recent 250% damage increase on muti-shot, it may not be beneficial since you can get in more muti-shots before having to replenish focus. Definitely something to test though.
Awesome, thanks for the tips. :)
The buff to multishot has made it even with just 2 targets, I get better dps using my aoe rotation than single target rotation as a SV. I haven't tried with MM yet. Will have to test that out.


No I mean yes.
I just did a WSG on my hunter and the pet was out the entire time while mounted.
Wait, wait, Holy #!!*

HOLY #!!*


well relatively speaking...


I'm guessing this was the solution to the respawning pet at 6k hp thing.
Seriously!? I can't log on yet to see but if so then.... YES!! This is great!
Maybe it only works in BG's & Arena?
Maybe it only works in BG's & Arena?

Confirmed for BG...I just checked it out and my pet ran beside me while i was mounted. I assume its only in non world , non flying settings.
this works, i did it in isel of conquest, it could be a BG thing to fix pet spawn issues, it does not occur in the world
seen it, confirmed.
Hell yes!
Deleted by Qcassidy
Because, outside of BG and Arena, your pet still sometimes summons with considerably less health than it does about 5 seconds later. (My 110k worm starting with 7.9k for a few seconds after dismounting)

I mad a habit of 1-2 shotting pets in BGs from Hunters dismounting...still possible in World PvP s

Or at least it was last night.
Pets were out when mounted in Vanilla. TBC changed that with the flying. I always thought it was so cool to see the hunters run around with their pets running beside them. It was an awesome site and added flavor to the game.

I've had my pet out while mounted in a BG and arena. I think it would be nice if Blizz could make it so that if we are using ground mounts our pets could be out, and disappear when we are on our fliers. I really, really miss it. In fact, I'd prefer that to eyes of the beast back!
I remember, back when your pet couldn't keep up with your mount, and lost happiness when you'd dismiss it.

edit: back when NEs could exploit shadowmeld and make their pets unattackable while in eyes of the beast.

Feral Hunter 2s comp

Would this be a alright 2s comp?

I read around and sow that in 3s BM compliments Feral, Ret, ect and was wondering if a BM Feral double dps 2s work the same way as a 3s comp would.

If BM isn't good in 2s would MM be a good choice?
Would this be a alright 2s comp?

I read around and sow that in 3s BM compliments Feral, Ret, ect and was wondering if a BM Feral double dps 2s work the same way as a 3s comp would.

If BM isn't good in 2s would MM be a good choice?
This team comp works just fine. I have played it up to a little past 2200 as BM in 2s this season. Mostly relies on good peels off each other (spiritmend when you can at appropriate times, master's call you or your partner depending on what the situation calls for, etc), strong CC on the heals, and well timed burst.

I personally have had some pretty long games with this comp, if played properly it can take awhile to be killed (if they focus on you, you can kite for quite a while with proper usage of CDs). From what I've noticed however is that it is harder when they focus on feral just because they are easier to be killed. What my feral does is he kind of umm, kites them/runs away and heals up. From my experience also, the BM hunter is the one who puts out the most damage between the two of you. The feral should use their cyclones at crucial moments as well (CC on heals for a kill, to peel off you, or if all DRs are up on heals and you can't trap, a well timed cyclone on the DPS can win games as well).

I hope this helps!
It helps, thanks for the support. Just need a bit more gear and give it a go :D

Thanks again you two!

What pets do you use?

What 5 (or fewer) pets do you use on a regular basis and why?

I've just got three on me now, one Ferocity, one Cunning and one Tenacity. I don't know what other two I should have on hand. So I want to know what pets you usually have with you and for what purpose (questing, pvp, pve, showing off, etc). And why did you pick the pets you did (looks, buffs, other?).

Thanks :)
Well, for general questing/dungeons/raids...

I keep, typically, three ferocity, one cunning, and one tenacity. Essentially, the ferocity and cunning are all around to do damage and provide different buffs/debuffs. I always have a Raptor (sunder armor), Wolf (+crit), and Dragonhawk (+8% spell damage, handy as SV) on me when I'm PvEing. The last ferocity spot goes to a revolving door of everything from a cat to a buzzard to a hyena to even a sporebat (cunning pet, actually) when I'm feelin' frisky. The last spot is a tenacity pet, typically a turtle in my case, to pull out whenever the tank dies. You'd be shocked how hardy a good tenacity pet can be in 5man dungeons against bosses.

Honestly, my choices came from a mixture of looks and buffs and some personal reasons. My first pet, the raptor named Stormy, I tamed on WoW launch day cause I was an aspiring paleontologist at the time an I absolutely love dinosaurs. That, the yellow ones in Durotar were more unique than the red ones, so he stood out a bit. At the time, he provided zero buffs just like all pets. Since then, it's just been "That pet looks cool, and bonus points for a handy buff". Heck, rarity has only been a factor to me when it happened to be a rare pet that I thought was cool lookin' (Terrorpene).

Really though, what you ideally want for basic PvE is an ample selection of pets you both enjoy having as your pet AND provide a healthy selection of buffs/debuffs... and one tenacity pet just to toss out as an "oh crap" button. Utilitarian, but with a healthy dose of going with what I like the most. Some Hunters obsess over collecting nothing but rare pets... I'm more than happy to bust out with my generic yellow raptor or the dragonhawk I solo tamed out of ZA the other week.

Really liking my shale spider still. Tenacity, with embrace of the shale spider (nice buff.) Its a great tank, has thunderstomp, keeps agro great plus has that nice buff. I also like how low to the ground it is, so it never obscures view.

I got one right after Cat. went live, then really liked it. Recently, I killed jadefang for the tiny shale spider pet. The next morning, Jadefang was up again and I tamed it that time. Now I have Jadefang, plus a matching companion pet ;) I like this more than any of the firelands new rares, so bonus.

I also have a core hound, in case some group wants it (If I ever group much or anything.)
For raiding I almost always ended up bringing a Hyena or Ravager. Then I always carry my favorite Cat, Sambas, and Wolf, Snarler, around for random questing. For PvP I have my Spider, the broodmother from that Tirisfal quest.
Ravager, Hyena, Wolf and Raptor. I keep a Spider for when I PvP.
I usually keep Terrorpene Sambas Skoll (For when I play BM) and Aotona on me. Terrorpene because he's a bomb tank, Sambas for MM dps, Skoll for BM dps, and Aotona for pvp because Cunning is kind of useful.
1. The Glitched Ghost Wolf You Can't Tame Anymore (Wolf)- Ferocity
2. Deth'Tilac (Spider)-Cunning
3. Kirix (Spider)-Cunning
4. Skarr (Cat)-Ferocity
5. Karkin (Crab)-Tenacity
Note: I Only have one of the above, those are just my ideal pets. I have the ghost wolf
I'm obsessed with rare pets. All of my pets are rare spawns. I like to keep around 1 tenacity pet for soloing and saving my ass when I get close calls during dungeons/raids . Cunning mainly for awesomeness, (those two spiders are easily some of the coolest pets in the game) as well as pvp and raid utility when it is needed. And Ferocity for all out dps. The two ferocity pets I chose pretty much give the best buffs for a hunter.
Ravager, hyena, cat, wolf, tallstrider for teh lulz. Also have a raptor and wind serpent in my stable for when they're needed.
I only have three right now.

I have a bear for tanking

I use cat and raptor for dps. I use them for different things. Like in a CTF Bg I will use the raptor, but on one with flags to hold I use the cat for the stealth attack.

Even in wandering pvp i love the cat. I see people from far and sick my stealthed cat on them, they never know it's coming.

for third I bring a crocolisk. They swim super fast and are awesome pets when there's water involved.

Kill command being silenced :x

I really haven't noticed it till now because most people don't silence a hunter but Kill command will not cast while silenced. It's kind of stupid in my opinion, although not really a problem to me as of yet, it seems to be specific to just the spell. Weird and unneeded in my opinion.
and traps, why traps can't be used while silenced is beyond me. but i do get kill comm somewhat, you are telling your pet to attack the target and you can't do that when you can't speak.

How many still use...

The 2pT5 for soloing older raids or attempting to solo current level instances?

I have just begun trying to farm for pets/mounts/random crap and i am curious if i should put the effort in to go get the 2p or is it just not needed anymore?

To be honest, it's not really necessary anymore imo.
I do still use mine on nights that I'm feeling lazy while farming though.
I've never had or used it, and with the changes to 2 piece bonuses now, you can't stack them anymore anyhow.
Haven't run into any times when the pet healing was that critical, usually I'm the one dying. But then, I'm still prepping for Onyxia and Naxxramas, it could be more important there.
Not me! I'm a pedestrian.
Its a good idea to at least have it in case you need it, I recently soloed a couple raid bosses to get the 2 pieces. I have however killed saph in Naxx without it, and have not needed it yet in any of my adventures.
I do!!! It's actually pretty great to use with the TB dailies, run around misdirecting like 8 mobs to a turtle, by the time it uses shell shield misdirect and multishot boom pets full hps. It also helps in old raids and such when you are slacking on mend pet.
I keep it for nostalgia's sake at this point. I don't see the purpose anymore now though, with pets getting healed for 25% or more (spec'd/glyphed) of their health per Mend Pet, combined with the super high hp pools compared to older raids.
I don't think 2t5 is standard for extreme soloing anymore. Glyphed Mend Pet provides enough HPS on tenacity pets that soloing hunters usually encounter other barriers to solo progression (like mechanics, damage to the hunter, etc.) before heals on the pet become an issue.

I still use 2t5 from time to time, though. It works exceedingly well for AoE fights, making it a good tool for clearing trash if nothing else.

It's likely that 2t5 will never leave our soloing toolkit since it is based on a percentage gain rather than a fixed amount of healing.
before the 2 new cataclysm heroics were released, i had a group with a tank that thought he was epic but was fail in a heroic vortex pinnacle pug. this tank was very mouthy and apparently felt the group owed him a debt of gratitude because he pugged.

his attempts at being an elitist were marred by him constantly wiping our group. i, being the good little "huntard" pointed out how elitests are all the time wiping their groups in one of the easiest heroics in cataclysm. by the time we got to the final boss the whole group was fed up with his antics so i informed him that my turtle was a better tank than he could ever hope to be. he then said something along the lines of "if your turtle is so good, then why dont you tank this fight?"

i said, "fine, i will".

and i did, with the help of my 2 piece tier 5. and the funny thing was. the healer said the turtle was easier to heal than the tank.

also, in a regular blackrock cavern dungeon on the boss you have to kite through the fire to melt his armor, i was in a group where i was the last one standing. after the tank went down i dismissed my pet and pulled out my turtle, sicd him onto the boss, feigned, and misdirected to pet. first time tanking that boss, took a few minutes to realize that you had to move him through the fire and then after figuring it out, the move to command glitched on the pet and he just sat in one spot for a few minutes without moving. eventually he got unstuck and i finished the 30 percent of the bosses life solo.

cool stories bro?

TLDR: 2 piece tier 5 are worth it, just for playing around solo, or making fail tanks QQ.

Targeting toggle? Will there be one?

I'm not arguing with anyone I understand people have different preferences. But what I do not understand is why isn't there an option to change targeting to how it was before the patch?

Honestly the new targeting is driving me up a wall. I liked it switching to the next target when I spammed my attacks. I don't like the fact we have to select the target with the mouse or tab to acquire a new target. This is even more annoying with multi shot, for example on magma the way my guild does it is have me kite the worms as a hunter while everyone else stacks and the other range burn them down. Harder to kite when the target falls off and i cant just click multi shot to reacquire my target.

This isn't all I feel like its lost dps in between when I don't hit tab right away. I use my arrow keys and mouse to click the buttons. Please don't criticize my play style everyone has there own way that works best but mine became much harder with having to tab.

As well as the fact on a melee class as long as they are close to their targets they can stll spam there attacks so why does it make it so hunters can't?

This has been in the game as long as I can remember so why change it for the players who have learned to do it this way. I'm not saying the new way is bad for everyone I am sure some prefer it but Blizz can you please implement a way to toggle it on and off for those of us who do like the old play style with the auto target.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone so please don't look it that way. But does anyone know if a toggle on or off option will be put into play eventually?
I feel your pain Aurorian. I also HATE this new targeting system. Funny thing is I don't have to retarget on my main, so why hunters? Sadly, I have no answer for you. I too hope they allow us to toggle this option on/off depending on preferred play-style.
Also, never apologize for the way you play. I always hear people talking about how you "SHOULD" never click and use WASD to move. I do both and steadily out dps most people that try to tell me this......on ALL my toons. Play how you learned simple as that. You being comfortable effects your dps.
I understand exactly what your talking about I just started playing this is my first Toon but I started to play when all you had to do is click what attack you want to use when a Tank is attacking something after that 1 monster is dead you have to Click over the stupid thing which is hard to do. I understand that you can click the Tab or use your keyboard But I don't Enjoy the game that way I would rather click to kill stuff I just wanted to put this out here also that they should make it so you can set your options how you want them Thank you for making a Thread about this issue which I hope they Fix.
I agree with both of you.

Hunter Bug Fixes

Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.

No where does it state hitting a ability no longer acquires a target. If I hit an ability on any of my other toons it automatically selects closest target. If that was a problem for other Hunters I don't get it.
Thank you Zaagan :) And yeah, I agree play how you wan't. Same with me I have had people ask me how I play with the mouse and arrows and pull what kinda dps I do. I let people play how they want, like you said everyone has the way they are most comfortable playing.

Your welcome Breezy. Most of the threads I skimmed throguh on this topic were arguments and what not.. like I said not trying to argue just hoping Blizzard will fix this so that you can choose to play with auto targetting or turn it off for those who like that better.

Thats a very good point too Troegs.
Been playing since mid or so LK, was fine with the hunter auto target. OCCASIONALLY it would cause me to accidentaly pull a mob or two, when the tank killed the last of their pull, but it made it fun to me :P, and I ALSO loved in PvP just hitting SS when a damn rogue came near, now I have to click tab, then SS, and by then the rogue's CC'd me (I don't have PvP trinks, and don't plan to get them any time soon.). And THEN there's hunters FDing, and when they get up I have to retarget them and it usually target's the PET, dunno if THAT is just me though.
Add this line to your existing shot macros.


If you don't have shot macros, make some. Here's an example.

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cast Arcane Shot
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Thanks for the macro it really helps right now. Still though I feel we all shouldn't have to go through this.... for now I will use the macros but for all those hunters like myself who like the old targeting I hope blizz makes a toggle option to please both sides. :)

My hunter has identity complex issues

It's true. When he was first created, he went by the name Nightrangér (nightranger being unavailable.). I guess he likes 80s rock, and figured he was a ranged fighter so it made sense. After sometime though, he disliked having a variation of the name he wanted, so he went by Parisoftroy - a whole different era than 80s. This is the name that's seen around the forums.

Well, after recently taming Loque, and naming him DeafLeopard, my hunter again changed his name to Diehard. Said it was something about DeafLeopard and Diehard the Hunter that just fit /shrug

Silly hunter. But I hope he finds an identity he likes.

Help for Hunter PvP

Hi all,

Sorry for invading your forums. I have a guildmate looking at starting some PvP, and frankly I don't know enough to be helpful.

Looking for which spec is the best for hunter PvP and stat priorities, if anyone can help me out.


being a hunter and using engineering

i recently rerolled this hunter and chose to do loremaster and anything quest based on a pvp server for something different than what i was doing with other characters.

ive always tried and failed to level engineering because at higher levels i felt it was a waste because i simply did not use it enough.

i have no interest on getting to 85 as quickly as possible so i am leveling as i quest for loremaster and that means going down to lower level starting areas to do all quests and to do loremaster.

basically im trying to do every single quest wether its for LM or not.

currently i am marksman, in your opinion would engineering suite a marksman better or beast master better, i currently have no interest in survival unless you can tell me exactly why i should spec in that tree.
Engineering is a great profession regardless of spec. It's a lot of fun and very useful. It's tough to level, especially if you are leveling it as you level your toon, but it's worth it.

Mining as a secondary profession makes leveling a little easier plus it gives you a profession that can make some gold because you really won't make any on engineering.

My 2 cents. Hope it helps.
Engineering is very useful. The parachute is great for the extra distance on disengage, and 2 the synapse springs for your gloves.
JC, Eng, LW, Enchanting, and maybe another profession or two are about equal, based on stats. Eng offers a bit of utility, and is probably the 'funner' profession. However, it is often costly to level. You can make gold off of it, but if there is another engineer with the same thoughts, you can flood the market on your server with pets and hurt your margins.

First glyphs for MM?

Well, I have just unlocked my first Prime / Major / Minor, could anyone help me out with the most helpful glyphs? My mains 525 Inglyphinator so I should have them.
I would say

-Prime: Arcane Shot
-Major: MisDirection (Great for questing)
-Minor: Feign Death

and then later on for Prime: Steady shot and Kill Shot.

Major, I use Silencing Shot (Need Silence shot talent) and Trap Launcher.

and Minor, Revive pet and Aspect of the pack.

After the Prime ones, its really what you want to be honest.

Gemming and enchanting for BM hunter in PVP?

Hi all,

I am starting to gear up my BM hunter and was wondering how I need to gem and enchant. I been reading different things regarding it. Some say crit, some say mastery. I think I also saw something that said to use all yellow 20 agility and 20 mastery gems. So would my red gems be either 40 crit or mastery? What about my yellow slots?

Well any advice would be great.


Pets get 100% of the crit you get, but mastery only affects the pet damage, not your own where as crit does both.

IMO, I stack all agility with the exception of a hit gem to just barely get over 5% (you need 8% for pvE) and I have one agi stam gem that needs to be replaced with a 40 agi, I am just too lazy though.

Because arcane shot is arcane damage, it is probably wise to stack some spell pen, I had it, I removed it. Any descent fight I am gonna tranq all their buffs off anyway and most buffs cost a descent amount enough to apply that I see tranq as a form of mana drain.

I dunna...I just think the agi scaling for the pet (spirit heal can crit large) is a better way to go. Not all classes are gonna have arcane resist.

The spell pen thing is debatable, the good thing about getting 195 (well 220 is more likely what you will have if you stack spell pen) is that if you run MM or survival you wont need to regem.

Now if traps scaled with spell pen, I would say 220 spell pen over anything else.

at the end of the day though hit to 5% (8% Pve) > agi> crit> haste/mastery. Spell pen is not needed for pvE, debatable for pvP

T5 interaction with Kill Command

I'm wondering if the two piece set bonus from teir 5 would heal 15% of kill command's damage?

The bonus says 15% of the dmg you deal, and Kill Command's dmg comes from your pet, but it's a spell you cast.
The pet deals the actual damage though. I dont know though. With the way this class works you would probably get a blue screen of death if you tried it.
I'm wondering if the two piece set bonus from teir 5 would heal 15% of kill command's damage?

The bonus says 15% of the dmg you deal, and Kill Command's dmg comes from your pet, but it's a spell you cast.

Because the damage dealt comes from the pet, and not yourself, the 15% healing is not granted for Kill Command.

However, if you are in a situation where you need to use T5, you're probably also in a situation where you need your pet to keep lots of aggro. So, using KC is still a good idea, but I suppose if aggro isn't an issue, while healing is, it might be best to use all AS and forgo KC.

Best spec for PvE and PvP while Lvling??

I have duelspecced my hunter. MM and BM

But before i continue i was wandering what is the best spec for PvP while im leveling?

And also what is the best spec for PvE while leveling?? like what puts out best dps.
Survival was best dps pve leveling i always outdps'd most people. B4 trap launcher get good at setting explosive traps close up to big packs and disengaging followed by multishot spam. Survival is nice in pvp while leveling too, do not underestimate lock and load for pve and pvp too. GL
I just hit 85 using survival + MM since 30. Survival rocks IMO for both PvE and PvP all the way to 85. I love the CC ability of survival, and the lower damage versus MM's aimed shot is more than compensated for by survival's enhanced mobility.

At 85 survival seems subpar compared to MM (the aimed shot + chimira shot combo hits like a ton of bricks). Now at 85 I feel like I have been forced to play MM.

BM is fun too once you get BW and a nice exotic pet, but before that is lacks IMO.

But honestly, I would pick the spec you enjoy most and play that.
survival is dead and gone...MM or BM pick one they're both very good, different play styles..although MM is favored
I think you can pretty much level as what ever you want. With MD glyph once you get MD threat is never an issue, although with BoA gear until then threat can be a problem. BM at lower levels seems like the better route as you have almost no down time and can pull a lot and be just fine. MM once you have Rapid recuperation and Rapid killing is great for moving from one mob to the next. SV for leveling doesn't really offer anything special untill Serpent spread, but that doesn't mean you can't level in it.

As for which scales better for DPS right now.... your guess is as good as mine but I have been hearing from a few guildies wile leveling that they are getting insta-gibbed by MM hunters in PvP.
If you want to pvp and pve with only 1 spec, pick BM and spec into pvp.

with BM pvp spec, do pve is easy. Pull out tenacity pet to hold aggro and kill.
with BM pvp spec, do pvp is obvious sent out big red pet and chew them out.

need kiting tips

with all the running around i do, baby powder isn't cutting it any more.
i am thinking maybe a full wax job.
i have heard things about lasers but really skeptical about laser beams that close to my nads.

thx in advance for advice!
Make sure to do your research beforehand. Wax jobs cost an awful lot of gold in the long run, getting it perma-lasered off is probably better, if you can cover the short-term cost. I'd recommend electrolysis, but it's only correctly preformed by a professional with at least an illustrious grand master's degree. Anything less and you could end up with scarring.

Hunter BH dps

Hello fellow hunters.
I am wondering how the rest of you do in BH dps-wise.
I'm not sure how I measure up against other hunters.
In this thread, simply post your ilevel, and your best Aragloth dps. If you get better dps, just update your post.
Mine was 18k dps at 353 ilevel.
24k as BM, ilv 361

I need to try as SV.....
i'd say between 12-13k when my gear was 340 ilevel
With no windfury/HP/icey talons, most recently - 24.5k as marks in 10man bh. Not the best rng but I was satisfied.
Last week I did about 23.8k dps. 348 ilvl MM spec. I think all raid buffs were covered but I don't have my 4p yet which is quite a big dps increase.
with the replies atm not sure i wanna post...

17.5k dps, 357 ilvl SV



yeaaa i thought it was good, and i was number 1 in raid by 4k dps ^_^
I did around 17k in 349 this week.
24k with icy talons buff and the other important ones, it has dropped though since they hotfixed the free aimed shot when it procs though :/
Even Argoloth isn't a very good measure.

In a low-DPS raid where I have time for two rapid fire cycles, I did 23k recently. If I only have time for one RF cycle, closer to 20ish. Lack or presence of bloodlust has an impact as well. Or like, if I happen to have some time left on a flask from a previous night's raid, that pushes it up. If I get targeted with fire a lot, it goes down. If I get to spend the entire time standing still (this has happened), it goes up. Is there mangle/trauma in the raid? If not, is there a fury warrior so I can bring out my hyena? The caveats are infinite.

Just concentrate on playing well in your guild raids, imo.
Some where around 17-21k, there is such a difference with 25man in apposes to 10-man. In 25-mans my dps drops significantly simple due to my fail FPS. Tbh a lot of dps that people posted seems well stretched. BH is an easy fight and a good dps tester. Just be sure to use aspect of fox when the boss uses Fel Firestorm to avoid a total tank on your dps.
i did 27k this past week and im ilvl 367

DPS Class for not super easy play but good c

DPS Class for not super easy play but good casual play Hunter or DK?

I been playing a Druid and got to 85 and the DPS is pretty darn good in kitty and of course swipe owns. But with Paladins they never seam to get past me these days. My own Paladin almost 70 in only a few days does some great damage. But after really experiencing it in Dungeons I found it not enjoyable one bit.

I was thinking to taking a break playing 1-70 in like 3 days does break a man anyways. I was thinking of making a DK or a Hunter.

Hunter owns cuz of the pets. DK owns cuz of the DK lol..

The big question is how easy is a DK and it's rotations end game for DPS dungeons and raids? Also does a DK do great AOE. It seams like the tanks do a crap load but not sure what just a pure DPS does.

Thanks for your time.

I take it you are focusing on PvE? In that case it's preference. Just try both and see which playstyle you enjoy more. No class is hard or easy in PvE. That changes slightly in PvP and if you were going to focus on PvP comparing DK to hunter is like comparing Arnold in his prime with an old cripple granny. DK is insane for PvP and hunter is struggling a bit. For PvE both classes do good dmg, DK might be the slightly easier in terms of how to maximize your DPS but both are easy to max if you aren't retarded.

Sambas disappear???

So a long time ago on my hunter I had tamed the rare Sambas. Only today I have realized that he is not in my stables anymore. I had faction changed the hunter from alliance to horde and I think the events screwed it up. I have the achievement for all twilight highlands quests but I don't have the portal to it because the events are different from alliance to horde. Would this affect me getting Sambas?

Can I somehow get it back without having to farm it all over again?
Your best bet is to open an ingame ticket.
I have opened a ticket, but i dunno if blizzard can give back a thing like that.
yeah, so when blizzard can't give you the pet back surely the hunter community can.. why did you post here?
I've heard stories about this sort of thing happening. The solution was to open a ticket. I believe that Blizz can give you your pet back, as long as there is a record of you having it.
Yes they can restore pets. My account was hacked and the hacker abandoned all my pets. When blizz returned my items they also added my pets back to my stables. Best part was there names were reset so I had a second chance at naming them all!

I hope they do the same for you!
Oh cool, and I posted on the hunter forums to find out if this has happened to other people.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shadow Priests

Am I supposed to run away? Or... Can I actually kill one?
They have big sharp pointy teeth and a mean streak a mile wide.

You will need to find a holy hand grenade.
Can be killed.

Good teamwork helps a lot though.
Cycle interupts quick on them, I'm usually MM so something like rapid fire - SilS - AiSx2 - Scatter - Readiness - Repeat.
Start camo, hope they dont' notice you right away so you can get the drop on them.

Disc priests, not as much.
They have big sharp pointy teeth and a mean streak a mile wide.

You will need to find a holy hand grenade.

You're on a Holy Grail streak lately =P

"Then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade towards thy foe, so that thou may blowest him to bits, in thy mercy."
You're on a Holy Grail streak lately =P

"Then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade towards thy foe, so that thou may blowest him to bits, in thy mercy."

They have big sharp pointy teeth and a mean streak a mile wide.

You will need to find a holy hand grenade.

You're on a Holy Grail streak lately =P

"Then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade towards thy foe, so that thou may blowest him to bits, in thy mercy."

no no you got it wrong its...oh lord bless this thy holy hand grenade, that with it we may blow thine enemy into tiny thine mercy. Or something to that effect, lol I have the sound file mod for wow that plays the various Monty python tracks its so funny.
pop roar of sacrifice before they put dots on that way they wont crit for their entire duration

kite them like melee if you can prevent the fear you stand a better chance

feign death as much as possible

blow them up quickly try to prevent dots

1. spec bm
2. find a nearby pillar
3. hump said pillar while pet does dmg and priest ignores it
4. ???
5. profit
Mah bad Tricky.

There ya go =D
Mah bad Tricky.

There ya go =D

woot yes one of the best movies ever made...I cant help it im a sucker for this stuff ty /hug
pop rapid fire and you'll win as long as he's stupid and stays in shadowform. keep mend pet up to dispell his fears (assuming you're smart and pvp BM)
Get a job, make money.
Spend money on a race change to goblin.
Do the quest chain (if you still have to) to buy noggenfogger elixer.
Buy a 22 slot bag, fill it with noggenfogger.
Drink till you get the buff that reduces your size.
Get a cat that stealths or spec BM and get a spirit beast.
Find a bush and use camo
wait patiently for every minute to refresh camo, spam camo at that last second of every minute, wait another minute...rince and repeat.
Hope the spriest goes away or gets globaled by a warrior.
You guys really lose to shadow?
Ford, I'm in your thread, stalking you
Nuke the crap out of them, save silencing shot for when they try frantically to heal at the last second, /laugh at their corpse, then try to eat quickly enough to stop yourself dying to their dots right after them.
Yeah. Spec BM. You have a better chance of...not losing.

So 2 Hunters are Fighting... hits Deterrence and attempts to use Scare Beast on the other's hunter...

...If the first hunter hits Silencing Shot, does it:

-Go through and interrupt the hunter, bypassing the 100% miss chance since it's "guaranteed to hit"
-Miss, since 100% miss > "guaranteed to hit" ?

Apologies if there's a thread on this already.
silence shot will be deflected. hits Deterrence and attempts to use Scare Beast on the other's hunter...

...If the first hunter hits Silencing Shot, does it:

-Go through and interrupt the hunter, bypassing the 100% miss chance since it's "guaranteed to hit"
-Miss, since 100% miss > "guaranteed to hit" ?

Apologies if there's a thread on this already.

The interrupt abilities probably have something like +300% hit and 60 expertise or something to ignore these things. Unless they have less than 100% extra hit, it can/will go through deterrence. Deterrence only increases melee and ranged miss by 100%. You can theoretically hit a rogue with non-binary spells through CoS if you had 130% spell hit.
Scare Beast never begins casting. Have to target a beast.
The interrupt abilities probably have something like +300% hit and 60 expertise or something to ignore these things. Unless they have less than 100% extra hit, it can/will go through deterrence. Deterrence only increases melee and ranged miss by 100%. You can theoretically hit a rogue with non-binary spells through CoS if you had 130% spell hit.

Wow, please dont give advice if you have no idea about what you are talking about. Im pretty sure most everything you said is wrong.

Min Range Should Stay


I think we should get a slightly greater max range (around 45 yards maybe). I think this makes perfect sense, because if every other ranged class can just run into us to keep us from attacking, we should be able to run out to keep them from attacking. This would also let us keep our gap wideners(?) while staying (imo) pretty balanced.

I think I recall this used to be in the game, if it was, give me one good reason why it was removed.
just remove the deadzone.... keep the max range the same. there problem fixed.

Or if they wanted to get inventive with it, let bows shoot farther but have a deadzone, and allow guns or crossbows to have a shorter max range but have no deadzone, then there would be a real difference in ranged weapons.
Deleted by Zakuta

No love for the Surv Hunters :(

I liked how the addressed the fact that SS and AS will target another target mid cast if the current target dies, but they never said anything about Cobra Shot... WTF

SUGGESTION organizing pets after dropping BM

i cannot dismiss or clear any exotic pets in my stable after dropping BM for marks.

can you make it so that we can abandon pets in the stable?
You can't abandon a pet after you leave it in a kennel... they will have to put it down.

/play Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercial
Moster! how ..ughh!!... you can't abandon your babies!
This is quite the Annoying Feature, having to Spec back into BM just to dismiss a pet although after the outrages at your Post id rather just keep it in my Stable for a Special Occasion =)
Aww, you don't love Runty anymore either? Poor guy is only trying his best.

/tames Runty
(if only....)

So So tired of kill shot glyph

Way too many times has it failed me
Don't worry, someone will be here shortly to accuse you of being a fail hunter because you pointed out that a hunter ability is broken.
Fail Hunter!

sorry, had to.
I've considered dropping it just due to the rate that it fails...But there's no other viable alternatives so I'm stuck. Arcane glyph as Surv to buff the 5 I shoot a fight lol? QQ
If you only shoot arcane 5 times per fight you have much larger problems than which glyphs to get. You have terrible focus managment.
It's called sarcasm good sir.
Deleted by Chucknorris
Silly trolls.

But seriously...for Surv, there's no better option for it since you don't shoot enough Arcs to make the glyph of Arc worth it over Kill Shot's damage when the damn thing works.

Nice post delete.
The problem generally though that the SrS glyph has tremendous impact when you're AoEing. Not that great for pure single target but the second you do any fight that allows any AoE, SrS beats out.

Hunter Pet Focus Bug

I'm not sure if there's something I missed, but my pet's focus seems to be jumping to 100% over and over again. It's at the point where the Wild Hunt pet talent seems to be increasing my pet's basic attack by 120% every time. This is an amazing bug if it is indeed a bug, and it definitely makes BM look more attractive... Wondering if anyone else is seeing this.
Interesting... my pet's portrait keeps disappearing, so I never see how much he has. I'll have to watch it if I can fix the UI.
This is definitely happening with BM for me. It bumped Bite to do more damage than Kill Command, and has pushed my pet up from ~45-47% of my damage to ~50% in a fairly tank-and-spank fight.
Yep this is definitely happening and its awesome.
Deleted by Canieldonrad
This could be related to the fact that now pets get summoned with 100% focus.
Just an idea though :O

Which to use.

Wristguards of the Predator or Ruthless Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity

I know the ones are PvP, But would it be worth it taking the 60 Agility?
I would say yes, 60 agility, 90 stam, and 37 haste would outweigh the 114 mastery.

what addons are these??

Pls see this video, a tell me what addons are these:

1- The addon that show our debuffs on the enemy plate. I know Tinyplates Threath plates can show something similar but I really dont like how it show the debuff (hard to see).

2- The addon that show when our CDs and skills are rdy. It show a like "flash icon".

ty =D
From what I'm seeing it looks like he just customized tidy plates to show the debuffs like that. As for the other addon it looks like tellmewhen.
Hmm, the enemy nameplate debuffs looks like Platebuffs, i use it.

1- The addon that show our debuffs on the enemy plate. I know Tinyplates Threath plates can show something similar but I really dont like how it show the debuff (hard to see).

Tidyplates has other themes besides Threat Plates. I find the Neon theme is a lot easier to read debuffs on.

ty for aswers, any other idea?


Need a mouse-over macro for silencing shot. Ty.
Man...if only we had a thread on the first page of our forums called, I dunno, "List of basic hunter macros" or something like that. It would probably have a bunch of macros and stuff. It'd be REALLY cool if Yjjal showed up and posted a metric crapton of mouseover macros, too. He'd probably have one for silencing shot.

That'd be great. Oh well though.
/cast [@mouseover; exists][@target] Silencing shot

Will prioritize a mouseover to silence, but will silence your target if you aren't mousing over something.
I believe the condition [@target] can be replaced simply with an empty condition [ ] , since the act of casting the shot implies a target.
Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

Survival PvP Ideas

I now play MM and BM and am pretty successfull in those specs but I miss Survival for PvP so I was thinking black arrow should be changed for 100% uptime and should also heal you for a percentage of its damage done to add some survivability to the survival spec. Also the counterattack talent should be removed and replaced with a Camouflage buffing talent that makes it full stealth like a rogue or druid. I feel like those two ideas would really help Survival become fun again in PvP. What do you guys think? Suggest your own ideas also ^_^
Explosive Shot: Now deals 1xx% weapon damage as fire damage + 2 charges of RAP.

Black Arrow: Focus cost reduced to 20 and damage increased 10%. When dispelled, heals the Hunter for 5% health per remaining tick.

Counterattack: Baseline ability. You have a 25% chance after receiving a melee critical strike to lash out at your target dealing 200% weapon damage and rooting them for 5 seconds. 20 second CD.

Lock n Load: No longer affects Arcane Shot. 30 sec ICD when proccing from traps (due to new Explosive damage.)

TNT: Black Arrow chance to proc increased to 20%. Activates a 9 second ICD on Lock n Loads triggered by Black Arrow and activates the trap ICD.

Mirrored Blades removed. New talent "W/e you want to call it." : During Deterrance, the Hunter is still able to shoot but cannot generate focus.

Pet Attack Macro

So I am trying to make a macro that causes my pet to attack my current target as long as the pet doesnt currently have a target. My intent is to add it to my other shots so that my pet will automatically attack, but won't switch away from its current target if one exists.

Ive tried a few different variations including:

/petattack [@pettarget,exists]
/petattack [@pettarget,exists] ; [@target]

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

no man!

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/Cast Arcane shot

that's all there is to it.
Also if ur pet is out of range use

#showtooltip Mend pet
/Cast Mend pet
Thanks for the help, but that won't work. That macro will cause my pet to switch its target, which I'm trying to avoid.


I can't be the only one with this issue...
/use whatevershot
/stopmacro [@pettarget,nodead]

Not at home, so no chance to test yet.
space bar
Thank you Treivaran, youre a genious! :D

By the way, why do you put the 'stopmacro' piece in there? Just curious
whoops... doesnt quite work. It wont attack my target at all, even if it doesnt have a current target
The idea is for the macro to stop running if pet has target, hence
/stopmacro [condition]
Anything past that line will not run if condition is met.

Is your pet on passive?

Ok, forget about the stopmacro, here's a simpler one.

/use whatevershot
/petattack [@pettarget,noexists]

This one however, will not care if you have set it on passive or not.
That works. Thanks so much!

S10 Comps

What Comps will most of you be running next week when S10 starts?

PHD/KFC Only viable comps for hunters, only due to melee carrying bad hunter damage/utility- im sure feral will be up there too as they have non DR cc and crazy damage
I saw ten dollar comps when I read the title.

I was hoping to get a new PC :(

I saw ten dollar comps when I read the title.

I was hoping to get a new PC :(

I saw ten dollar comps when I read the title.

I was hoping to get a new PC :(

You might have to after throwing your comp out the window trying to play hunter this next season.

Too lazy to change off my DK to hunter.
PHD here since PHDk won't be quite as good with the nerf to Hungering Cold.

Guess I'll be piggybacking on my Feral buddy.
Hunter feral x will most likely be the strongest in my opinion.


I'd kinda like to tame this white lion on my ally hunter. My question is how long does the mob stay once summoned. If I were to make a horde hunter & summon the mob, would I have enough time to log out then log back in as my ally hunter? Just wondering.
Sian-Rotam, the Winterspring white lion, is no longer a quest mob, but became a rare spawn beast in 4.1. Look for him under Frostsaber Rock, near where his mate Shy-Rotam hangs out.

Echeyakee should hang out long enough for you to switch hunters, I think, Ulryk. It's certainly worth a try. Just make sure to hike your ally hunter out there before your Horde character summons him up, so there's not much delay between one logging off and the other coming on to tame.

Good luck!

Deleted by Thunderbrew
Sian-Rotam, the Winterspring white lion, is no longer a quest mob, but became a rare spawn beast in 4.1. Look for him under Frostsaber Rock, near where his mate Shy-Rotam hangs out.

I just did what Mr. Tahlian there suggested, the same modle is now also available from a rare spawn in Winterspring. Follow the directions he gave there and tame "Sian-Rotam".

Information can also be found at this popular hunter pet website:

Suggestion: Dismiss and Call while Camouflage

It would be nice if Dismiss and Call could be used without breaking camouflage (called pet spawns camouflaged as well). While there are more conceivable uses, I'm thinking switching while camouflaged in places like AV or WG, where you might want to switch from a cunning pet (fight player) to a tenacity pet (fighting npc's and using you pet as a tank with misdirect).

Question about stats to reforge for Surv

Hey, just finished up my heroic grinds and I'm starting to reforge my gear for hit cap and my haste soft cap. I know that means any extra of the two I should reforge but... into what? Crit or mastery?

If someone could give an opinion I'd appreciate it greatly.
Do you know any sims that work on a mac? The last few I have tried are PC only

And does that mean if my caps are met, I should generally leave my stats alone? Besides reforging extra stats such as excess hit or haste

Hit cap > crit for reforging, and I'm not sure about the haste/mastery difference with SV these days. Lots of instant shots, and lots of elemental damage leads me to think that mastery is probably a bit better. But, as I recall, we were trying to get our haste at a level such that our Cobra Shots were at a ~1.66 second cast time in order to smooth out the rotation.
Yeah, I had to improvise a little bit, but I took the haste soft caps suggested in the forum's MM guide, and reached that along with hit cap before worrying about what I'm going to do with my other stats.

Thank you for the sims.
I heard that 7% was one of the soft caps, and 10% is another. If you can make the 10%, it's more optimal to do so, of course if you can't, that obviously means other wise.
I did read that from the MM guide, do you think that wouldn't transfer over to Survival as well? And why would you suggest crit over mastery?

I don't wish to argue over what stat is better, or what soft caps are where, I'm just curious on what led you to your conclusion.

That's awesome about the guide though! I'll keep a look out and be sure to check it out.
SV is 757 haste to fit 3 cobra shots in between explosive cooldowns. Might have to add a little to negate the effects of latency. Any more than that is wasteful on a single target standing rotation.

Hit > Crit > haste to 757 > mastery

Generally, the idea is to get to hit cap, move to crit on any piece possible and then figure out how to hit the haste softcap. Most of your excess stats will wind up being mastery.

Mastery is good, but only effects our elemental damage whereas crit effects both physical and elemental shots and effects.

757 is the rating you need before you get 4pT11.

With 4pT11 you need even less haste. I cant remember the exact number off the top of my head, but I can find it.

Survival Talents 101

Well here it is. some say survival is hard to play. some say its easy. Im a survival hunter and its easy for me. What i would like you survival (or any other type of hunter with points in survival) to post what you would say are key for a survival hunter to have. my opinion is: Pathing and Improved Serpent Sting, Trap Mastery, Lock and Load, and the last talent area, Black Arrow. please post your opinions

Need some help on HM mag.

So i am the kiter for the parasites for our 10 man Hm magmaw. I'm Survival for obvious reasons, and am having a bit of trouble controlling the adds the way i want them. Our raid make up is Pally tank on mag, Prot war on Bone constructs, Holy pally, Holy priest and a resto druid. Our Dps is made up of Me, Affliction lock, Arcane mage, Assassination rogue, and a Ele Shamy.

I have to keep the parasites away from the warrior or he will pull threat. So i have an arc to kite them around in, Dodging fires, Dodging massive crashes and not pulling on the bone constructs when they spawn. We had a couple "good" wipes, A 7, 12 and 19% on him, but no kill.

There were quite a few times where i was kiting and the next pillar would spawn on the opposite side of the room, making me choose between me getting hit or the healer closest to the pillar. Doing what i thought was right at the moment, i sprinted over to multi shot and got hit by the adds.

Now my raid leader wants our warrior tank to tank the parasites on top of the bone constructs(we tried this 4 or 5 times. Our best wipe being 45%) making the already hard to heal fight even harder.

Conclusion, Are my "Fails" acceptable and will this new stat actually work out. If not What can i do to kite to make it so i dont have to get hit?
the warrior should never take parasites from you. if he does, it is his fault and his failing to aggro constructs from ranged with throw or taunt

just dodge the fires and have the holy paladin put beacon on you. everyone else stays out of your way

whichever caster is at range with you can help out if you think you're behind on damage and a new parasite group is about to spawn. just call that in vent and he can blink over and do the jump and aoe thing a few times ;) we do it with our holy paladin, myself, and arcane mage at ranged. everyone else tucked into melee.

falling behind means you dont have all of the parasites dead and another pool is going to spawn. have the wizard come and assist

also just pull your camera back and fire your traps at the actual pools. dont wait for the pillar to shoot up and drop the parasites. have a trap down prior. either explosive for aggro (in the event that they're far away like you said) or frost to slow. preferably both. explosive trap is plenty of initial aggro to buy time to shoot another cobra to get focus to hit the pile with multishot

don't tank the parasites on the constructs. parasites are 100% your job, and you'll get the rhythm of it. just use trap launcher adequately and it's quite easy. raid leader is making a bad call on this one!
and assuming that weird entrapment spec is specific for magmaw, you should glyph serpent sting in place of arcane shot
We've always had a DK kite the adds but just out of curiosity, do you get the pile spreading out from resists on entrapment? I actually wonder if you'd be better off using MM with bombardment and conc barrage for this? Reduced cooldown on trap vs perma conc shot on the piles and reduced focus cost for multi. Basically just running around a trap the whole fight in fox.

Were you guys perma kiting or killing them?
i do it with my current spec, and i kill them. usually 5 seconds or so before the next pool spawns. entrapment isn't necessary for it, and the fellas move reeeeeally slowly. very hard to let them hit you, even if you get cornered. like, really slow. i'd think concussive barrage would be overkill, but you could absolutely do this as marks and survival without entrapment.

and yeah, i'm in fox a lot, but i rarely put a trap down other than 2 on top of pool from which the pillar shoots to spawn them. depending on where the pool is, it's easy enough to do it in hawk. with entrapment i'm sure you could do it entirely in hawk.

edit: i did cheese the meters with big daddy last time with fantastic results for the worldoflogs fellas. i think those stupid things were like 5% of my damage on the fight, and they do provide a cheesy entrapment-style effect also.

yeah i got 650k damage out of big daddies. incredible 26k crits. all in the wrists. not sure why i just wrote a book in this thread
Thanks for the help guys, I made a mm spec(totaly forgot about the daze. I have one last question, for kiting, which glyphs should i take?

standard glyphs for either spec will be fine

ice trap radius glyph isn't needed, but you can use it if you don't use raptor strike there. but no need to re-glyph for this fight
I do this for my guild in SV spec, our first kill was just last week, but after our numerous wipes I have a lot of experience now with it. It definitely takes some focus and constant awareness, but this is pretty much how I do it. From my experience, entrapment makes this a lot easier.

As soon as you see the circle on the ground for the pillar throw in your ice trap and explosive trap. Try to pick a parasite in the middle of the group (if you can) and just start blasting away with MS. With LnL procs, just shoot 1 and tab target and shoot another. Right when the parasites are about to leave the ice trap radius, throw in a snake trap for another snare. Optimally, tho it doesnt happen every time, try to kite the parasites back through the trap.

The hard part comes when you still have parasites up and another pillar spawns, you just need to be ready and prepared for it. Try to keep in mind where your 3 ranged are, thats where the pillar will spawn. There can be some iffy moments, maybe when the half room steam spawns and it kills your path you had in mind, just keep disengage ready.

Last thing I found that was key for me were clutch deterrence uses. You can pop it and run through the parasites if you know there is no other safe path because of ignition or just bad luck with the kiting.

Good luck!
I do this for my guild in SV spec, our first kill was just last week, but after our numerous wipes I have a lot of experience now with it. It definitely takes some focus and constant awareness, but this is pretty much how I do it. From my experience, entrapment makes this a lot easier.

As soon as you see the circle on the ground for the pillar throw in your ice trap and explosive trap. Try to pick a parasite in the middle of the group (if you can) and just start blasting away with MS. With LnL procs, just shoot 1 and tab target and shoot another. Right when the parasites are about to leave the ice trap radius, throw in a snake trap for another snare. Optimally, tho it doesnt happen every time, try to kite the parasites back through the trap.

The hard part comes when you still have parasites up and another pillar spawns, you just need to be ready and prepared for it. Try to keep in mind where your 3 ranged are, thats where the pillar will spawn. There can be some iffy moments, maybe when the half room steam spawns and it kills your path you had in mind, just keep disengage ready.

Last thing I found that was key for me were clutch deterrence uses. You can pop it and run through the parasites if you know there is no other safe path because of ignition or just bad luck with the kiting.

^ This

I tried it a few times as surv before we switched to our DK kiting adds (Switched to DK kiting because I could MD Constructs to our tank). I picked up the Point of No Escape talent with Entrapment. I was able to kill all the parasites before the next Pillar came up.

To add to LnL procs, I used the ES on any parasite that I might not have aggro or that didn't get hit by my first MS. Tidy Threat Plates is amazing.

If you can't down the adds on your own before the next Pillar, I would suggest trying the Concussive Barrage MM spec. That way the adds are slowed the entire time, and you can keep kiting them around just like a DK would.
The tank on the bone constructs should tank them in melee range of Magmaw as they don't cleave or anything.
I have a Magmaw raid tonight. We did it on the 31st of May and only got to 40% on our first try. Mind you, we're not a hardcore raiding guild and we're just hitting up Cataclysm raids.

Originally, we had a death knight kite the adds. This worked for the most part but it proved unsatisfactory. I've already got 2/2 in bombardment talent and I plan to replace RiF and put those two points in concussive barrage and play the ranged roll of controlling the pillars of flame. Before the pillar is dropped, drop a freezing trap in the direction you plan to kite. When they spawn, they'll be slowed and you can have the advantage of a trap and the effect from concussive barrage. I also plan to use a tenacity pet and balance the aggro of the worms between myself and my pet. I'd rather my pet take damage than I or another raid member.
This fight is simple, ill explain it as a whole so that you the hunter kiter, and the rest of people who may have questions get an answer as well.

The way this works...

You have a kiter, A healer, And a kiter "helper" Stay in the back of the room. NEVER go towards the tanks, ever. If you get worms in melee it's a wipe.

Kill constructs, even the kiters need to kill them. Even if you can only serpent sting them, trust me, it helps.

The kiting team ALMOST stacks on one another when the lava spews are coming, so that you don't have a construct running halfway across the room, and worms on the other side. YOU control where they spawn. The worms and constructs will spawn on RANGED class's, so your team of three need to stay in the backside.

When the head goes down, have your kiter helper help with the worms to get them down, so that you BOTH have more time on the boss while his head is down. Rinse and repeat.

Phase 2... Heal EVERYBODY up to full... and quick. SPREAD out. Here is where the trick comes in....

The other tank, who is tanking the constructs, will run out to you... and grab all the worms. HE then kites them around the room so that YOU can blow the boss up. You STILL lay your traps and help slow them, but concentrate on the boss.

Done deal.
Depending upon your kite path, entrapment can work against you because they will attack the closest target to them during those 4 seconds. Just be clear with the raid that they need to do their best to avoid your path and traps.
Imo you can kite better right now as MM than SV. You can pick up Entrapment and Concussive Barrage in an MM spec sacrificing only pet DPS talents, netting under 500dps single target loss, part of which you make up from ISrS procs on reapplications of SrS on new targets (which is generally unavoidable on all the fights that you might kite on).

Concussive Barrage and Bombardment and Rapid Recuperation mean you can snare all the adds continuously while moving and doing a lot of aoe damage to them, Entrapment means your frost and snake traps root the adds for 4s each on independent DRs. And you have disengage, readiness and posthaste in case things go south. The only thing SV has over this is a shorter trap cooldown and better passive AoE when not spamming multishot.
Depending upon your kite path, entrapment can work against you because they will attack the closest target to them during those 4 seconds. Just be clear with the raid that they need to do their best to avoid your path and traps.

This is why MM kiting might be better.
Once you figure out the placement of bone constructs and pillars, its not too hard.

I use entrapment in my spec b/c dps is not an issue for my group.

Our 3 range(healer and 2 dps) start the fight in the same spot every time at the far side of the room close to the wall next to magmaw. About 5 secs into the fight, i throw my frost and explosive trap onto the spot the first pillar will spawn. I shoot my snake trap about 8 yrds away in the direction we will be kiting.

The bone construct will land and all 3 of us will move to the EXACT same spot i threw my frost trap down(just outside the fire range) and the pillar will spawn directly on top of your first trap. Our 3 range move to the center of the room as i open on the adds with rapid fire, dps CD's, and multi spam. Readiness to keep rapid fire up and give you new trap CD's(if you get your first traps down early enough, they will be off CD already).

I use Hawk aspect for the first set of adds b/c entrapment and rapid fire means they wont get anywhere close to me but fox for most of the kiting periods. We drop our 2nd pillar on the right side of the room and start kiting back to the left. I like to reset our range group back to our original position when magmaw's head is exposed if there is too much fire where we are currently standing.

Use trap launcher to get frost and explosive traps down on the pillar spawn point ASAP.

For phase 2 i become the sole member of the raid that touches parasites. Every other dps nukes magmaw while i continue to kite, trap, and keep aggro on all the parasites. This is the one time that your raid awareness needs to be at it's max since the raid is spreading in range, a pillar can spawn anywhere. Be fast with your first frost trap launcher and you wont have a problem. It's not too hard with entrapment and posthaste disengages. Just stay in fox and multi, multi, multi.

70 Hunter exp off weapon question

Hey all, I have just dinged 70 and will turn exp off for pvp. Before I get to sunwell (where I've never been since I started late wrath) i would like to purchase new weapons (non-ranged) with honor. The hunter specific weapons are 555 each for main/off hand whereas the 2h ax is 350 as it the total of the mh/of/ ax or fist weapon.

To me the small increase in AP for the 555 ax's is not worth it if they will be replaced soon with the sunwell 2h sword. Am I missing something? Should I just get the 2h or non hunter mh/oh?

I honestly can't answer that. But since your question was about to fall off the first page anyway, I figured I'd share what I could.

I read these forums quite a bit and I almost never see anything discussing this kind of thing. Your best bet would probably be to find some twinking site and get some info there.

While you're at it, you should probably read up on any of those older boss fights. I've done most of the older runs for the achievements. But in all honestly, I didn't have a clue on the boss mechanics. Since most of those runs were higher level players, everybody just expected to faceroll through them. That doesn't always work. There's still mechanics that have to be done in certain cases (especially if you're turning of XP). To top it off, a lot of those mechanics seemed a bit more complex than a lot of later content.

Other than that, I've no better info to share. But I hope this helps some.

tyvm for your time in responding. Guess I will keep searching other sites. I've checked out other toons in this position but they all have the PVE weapons already. Yes I will need to watch some of the boss fights since I'm not much of a raider (not at all) with either of my 85's.

Polearm is best to get with honor, Also go for the two fist weapons extra socket.

Random question about (Spiked Raptor) pets

I was on my hunter (newly made goblin) and I captured a raptor from the starting zone, I liked the red one and I knew I couldn't get another until Zul'Drak (Atleast I think) So I go into my first Warsong Gultch of course, and the raptor was now purple? I dismissed it again and it turned green...

The pet changed from...

it hasn't changed into brown yet.

I was wondering if this was just the way these pets were? or if I happen to get the odd one of the bunch that changes colors. Thanks.
You got the odd one of the family.

Some of them are color changers.
They are color-changers.

It's common, some Raptors, Wolves, etc. etc. due this.

Look it up on Petopia.

By the way they first appeared in Outlands, BEM.
Ohh alright, I just actually looked on petopia and saw the Maddox or whatever changes colors. I was wanting to abandon this one to get a spider for now but if it was an odd one i was going to keep him lol. Thanks for the replys/
Keep the raptor.

It's cooler.
Look on the bright side, at least you're less likely to get bored with its looks.

big annoying flashy proc symbols

is there a way to get rid of them, like the arrows around my toon when focus fire is ready? id like to keep the glowing around the spell on the action bar, i just hate the big bright symbols over my character
I'm pretty sure there's a check box in the interface options to turn that off.

Shafted once again.

The amount of gear available to us in the new heroics is less than almost every other spec\class.

Pets still spawn with < 10k health.

Would the latter really be that difficult to fix?


Am I doing it right?

I've been doing 13-15k dps overall (depending on how much AoE) for Heroics and 15 - 19k on

boss fights.

Am i doing alright for the gear I have and being survival?

All advice appreciated as well.
drop hit to 8%

ignore all but the best socket bonus gem +40 agi

enchant chest and wrists

lvl engineering

no idea if your movement rotation proc timing is proper
What Ichi said. To elaborate, you should have all +40 agi gems in all sockets except for your helm which should be a +20 agi/+20 crit gem. You only gem for socket bonuses when there's a +20 agi bonus to consider and one of the sockets is a red socket. No point in sacrificing +40 agi for a +20 agi socket bonus. Basically, only when you have a socket bonus of +20 agi available and 1 of the 2 sockets is a red socket should you consider gemming for the socket bonus. The other socket should be a +20 agi/+20 crit for a yellow socket or +20 agi/+20 hit for a blue socket.

TL;DR - anything over 10k in non ZA/ZG heroics is decent imo.

Edit: Spelling


what is best pet for lvling?????
Whichever one you can stand to look at for 75 levels. Look at Petopia for options, and Wowhead for talent calculators.

I've always preferred wolves, but that's just me.

Pets are in three categories, which affects their talent trees, Ferocity (damage-dealing), Tenacity (tanking), or Cunning (a combination of both).

Most people prefer Tenacity pets for leveling, and I've been playing around with a Hellboar instead of a wolf for this char, although my main is not a pet class.

All pets have a special ability (for example, wolves can increase crit chance, and boars increase bleed damage), which might also affect your choice.

It's all up to you, but leveling is so easy now, that no pet will make a huge difference in ease or speed of leveling.