Monday, April 16, 2012

Using Aspects with Macros

new to hunters.

im using a macro
/cast !Aspect of the Hawk
/cast Arcane Shot
(i pretty much use something very similar for Aspect Fox/cobra shot)

I found another aspect using macro that has a extra line addes to clear an error, which i think is supposed to prevent the audio from screeching everytime i want to use arcane, which is pretty much constantly,

there are two thing i dont like about this macro;
-the spammed audio, (screeches birds of prey are cool, but when its constanly going off its annoying)
-the potential of the burden to the macro and effect on time delay, one extra line may not seem like alot but its adds up.

if anybody has a good solution in a macro to swap aspects quite frequently, can you please share.

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