The 2pT5 for soloing older raids or attempting to solo current level instances?
I have just begun trying to farm for pets/mounts/random crap and i am curious if i should put the effort in to go get the 2p or is it just not needed anymore?
To be honest, it's not really necessary anymore imo.
I do still use mine on nights that I'm feeling lazy while farming though.
I've never had or used it, and with the changes to 2 piece bonuses now, you can't stack them anymore anyhow.
Haven't run into any times when the pet healing was that critical, usually I'm the one dying. But then, I'm still prepping for Onyxia and Naxxramas, it could be more important there.
Not me! I'm a pedestrian.
Its a good idea to at least have it in case you need it, I recently soloed a couple raid bosses to get the 2 pieces. I have however killed saph in Naxx without it, and have not needed it yet in any of my adventures.
I do!!! It's actually pretty great to use with the TB dailies, run around misdirecting like 8 mobs to a turtle, by the time it uses shell shield misdirect and multishot boom pets full hps. It also helps in old raids and such when you are slacking on mend pet.
I keep it for nostalgia's sake at this point. I don't see the purpose anymore now though, with pets getting healed for 25% or more (spec'd/glyphed) of their health per Mend Pet, combined with the super high hp pools compared to older raids.
I don't think 2t5 is standard for extreme soloing anymore. Glyphed Mend Pet provides enough HPS on tenacity pets that soloing hunters usually encounter other barriers to solo progression (like mechanics, damage to the hunter, etc.) before heals on the pet become an issue.
I still use 2t5 from time to time, though. It works exceedingly well for AoE fights, making it a good tool for clearing trash if nothing else.
It's likely that 2t5 will never leave our soloing toolkit since it is based on a percentage gain rather than a fixed amount of healing.
before the 2 new cataclysm heroics were released, i had a group with a tank that thought he was epic but was fail in a heroic vortex pinnacle pug. this tank was very mouthy and apparently felt the group owed him a debt of gratitude because he pugged.
his attempts at being an elitist were marred by him constantly wiping our group. i, being the good little "huntard" pointed out how elitests are all the time wiping their groups in one of the easiest heroics in cataclysm. by the time we got to the final boss the whole group was fed up with his antics so i informed him that my turtle was a better tank than he could ever hope to be. he then said something along the lines of "if your turtle is so good, then why dont you tank this fight?"
i said, "fine, i will".
and i did, with the help of my 2 piece tier 5. and the funny thing was. the healer said the turtle was easier to heal than the tank.
also, in a regular blackrock cavern dungeon on the boss you have to kite through the fire to melt his armor, i was in a group where i was the last one standing. after the tank went down i dismissed my pet and pulled out my turtle, sicd him onto the boss, feigned, and misdirected to pet. first time tanking that boss, took a few minutes to realize that you had to move him through the fire and then after figuring it out, the move to command glitched on the pet and he just sat in one spot for a few minutes without moving. eventually he got unstuck and i finished the 30 percent of the bosses life solo.
cool stories bro?
TLDR: 2 piece tier 5 are worth it, just for playing around solo, or making fail tanks QQ.
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