Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pet Attack Macro

So I am trying to make a macro that causes my pet to attack my current target as long as the pet doesnt currently have a target. My intent is to add it to my other shots so that my pet will automatically attack, but won't switch away from its current target if one exists.

Ive tried a few different variations including:

/petattack [@pettarget,exists]
/petattack [@pettarget,exists] ; [@target]

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

no man!

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/Cast Arcane shot

that's all there is to it.
Also if ur pet is out of range use

#showtooltip Mend pet
/Cast Mend pet
Thanks for the help, but that won't work. That macro will cause my pet to switch its target, which I'm trying to avoid.


I can't be the only one with this issue...
/use whatevershot
/stopmacro [@pettarget,nodead]

Not at home, so no chance to test yet.
space bar
Thank you Treivaran, youre a genious! :D

By the way, why do you put the 'stopmacro' piece in there? Just curious
whoops... doesnt quite work. It wont attack my target at all, even if it doesnt have a current target
The idea is for the macro to stop running if pet has target, hence
/stopmacro [condition]
Anything past that line will not run if condition is met.

Is your pet on passive?

Ok, forget about the stopmacro, here's a simpler one.

/use whatevershot
/petattack [@pettarget,noexists]

This one however, will not care if you have set it on passive or not.
That works. Thanks so much!

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