Monday, April 16, 2012

Pet Glitch

I Did some arena in two and I almost killed this warrior, than he jump down and my pet just stand there doing nothing at many times i lost the fight because he jump off ledge or fall of the bridge where my pet does nothing. I remeber for the 4.2 patch my pet would always run after them and go attack the targert, but now he just stand there.
Is it just me or what or is it intended? Im a Beast in PvP, so my pet is very important.
Its a bug and blizzard is looking into it im having the same problem imo they need to hot fix this as soon as they can. im BM aswell and its a huge hinderance, just about any ledge the pet gets stuck on....
Aye I get hte issue in BGs personally, and the biggest kicker about it is if Im not in view of my pet for whatever reason, I cannot dismiss my pet, and there for cant get my pet to return. Its likely an issue with the pet failing to find pathing when it has aggro sometimes.

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