Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mastery and hunters

I took a two month break from the game...

Two months ago I read on a website that Mastery was good for MM but bad for Survival and Beast Mastery.

I read in the sticky that "Mastery is usually the least desired stat for Marksman hunters and is the stat most often reforged into Crit, Hit or Haste."

My question... is mastery the least useful stat from all hunter specs? And, is it really least desirable for MM hunters for real.
You're correct, Mastery is the least desired stat. That doesn't mean it's a bad stat, just that we'd prefer everything else to Mastery. That is, for MM hunters.

For SV hunters, Master is second only to Crit, while Haste is generally the least desirable stat. Of course, there is a Haste plateau to reach, but adding more past that point does not noticeably affect your DPS.

For BM, I have seen some back and forth about Crit builds vs. Mastery builds, but I still believe that Crit is better in a general sense. Crit affects both your damage and your pet's damage, while Mastery only affects your pet's damage.
You're correct, Mastery is the least desired stat. That doesn't mean it's a bad stat, just that we'd prefer everything else to Mastery. That is, for MM hunters.

For SV hunters, Master is second only to Crit, while Haste is generally the least desirable stat. Of course, there is a Haste plateau to reach, but adding more past that point does not noticeably affect your DPS.

For BM, I have seen some back and forth about Crit builds vs. Mastery builds, but I still believe that Crit is better in a general sense. Crit affects both your damage and your pet's damage, while Mastery only affects your pet's damage.

So survival it's really
1) hit
2) Crit
3) Haste to a certain point
4) Mastery

Beast Mastery would be
1) Hit
2) Crit
3) Mastery
4) Haste

MM Would be
1) Hit
2) Crit
3) Haste
4) Mastery
The current plan is (I hope somebody corrects me if I'm wrong)
1. Hit to 6% for heroics and 8% for raid.
2. Haste until your Cobra Shot is at (or just under) 1.66 seconds. Just under to account for lag and reaction times.
3. Crit
4. Mastery
5. Any left-over haste

BM also wants to get the 1.66 second Cobra shot cast. Kill Command has a 6 second cooldown, just like Explosive Shot, so the Haste plateaus are in the same spot for those two specs. If you check out the 4.1 SV guide that needs to get stickied, there is some conversation about going for a 1.4 second or 1.2 second Haste plateau with the 4-pc T11 bonus.
The last time I was checking my dps on female dwarf... I noticed my dps went up when I hit a 1.59 cobra shot... and when I hit 1.60+ I got a decrease in DPS.

That would be for survival.

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