Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gemming and enchanting for BM hunter in PVP?

Hi all,

I am starting to gear up my BM hunter and was wondering how I need to gem and enchant. I been reading different things regarding it. Some say crit, some say mastery. I think I also saw something that said to use all yellow 20 agility and 20 mastery gems. So would my red gems be either 40 crit or mastery? What about my yellow slots?

Well any advice would be great.


Pets get 100% of the crit you get, but mastery only affects the pet damage, not your own where as crit does both.

IMO, I stack all agility with the exception of a hit gem to just barely get over 5% (you need 8% for pvE) and I have one agi stam gem that needs to be replaced with a 40 agi, I am just too lazy though.

Because arcane shot is arcane damage, it is probably wise to stack some spell pen, I had it, I removed it. Any descent fight I am gonna tranq all their buffs off anyway and most buffs cost a descent amount enough to apply that I see tranq as a form of mana drain.

I dunna...I just think the agi scaling for the pet (spirit heal can crit large) is a better way to go. Not all classes are gonna have arcane resist.

The spell pen thing is debatable, the good thing about getting 195 (well 220 is more likely what you will have if you stack spell pen) is that if you run MM or survival you wont need to regem.

Now if traps scaled with spell pen, I would say 220 spell pen over anything else.

at the end of the day though hit to 5% (8% Pve) > agi> crit> haste/mastery. Spell pen is not needed for pvE, debatable for pvP

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