Monday, April 16, 2012

revive pet suggestion

Hey, i was thinking when i was reviving my pet-for the second time-that it relay sucks that you have to wait 10 minutes and i was thinking of ways you could reduce the time and i came up with a way you could do it with just your focus.

1-for every 10 focus it equals, - 1 min., off the time. So it works out to every focus reducing the time by 6 seconds even.

2-the way u determine how much focus u 'used' on the spell is when you clicked it. So say you click it when you have 50 focus but when it ends you have 100 focus it would take off 50 of the 100 focus and do the time by 50 since that is the amount you had when u activated the spell.

so ill give you a scenario.

Your fighting 2 people in pvp and your pet dies at about the same time the 1st person dies, the second person is almost dead and you use a arcane shot to kill him. Well you go into a bush so u will be hidin and start casting the spell when u have 63 focus. After 4 min and 42 seconds pass your pet is rezed but u have 76 now. Well, 63 focus will be subtracted as the cost so you can run back into war song gulch and get back to fighting horde.
Resurrecting your pet doesn't have a cool down. It has a long cast time.

I think you're talking about the auto res talent that some trees have. That has a 10 minute cool down because if your pet dies 2 times in a row Blizz wants you to face a penalty, namely having to hard cast for 10 seconds while not doing any damage.

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