Saturday, April 14, 2012

BM PVE'er's Discussion

[:1]I know MM is the all time woop!woop! for pve, but I have been BM for many moons. The past couple of days I have been catching a lot of flack about it, more than the usual just for being a hunter in general. And this is only in ROZ. Anyway, after getting fed up I second spec'ed as MM, got everything resituated, studied the rotation, practiced it for a dummy hour, then went in an instance. My gear is crap, I understand this and am working on it, but my thing is this. I only gained about 1-2k dps as mm burst, sustained is about the same. It is all low at around 15k atm, as I said, gear isn't great. But from playing BM so long I can switch rotations and adapt to situation changes in my sleep, but I'm just not getting the hang of MM. I spend too much time watching for cd's and w/e than I do seeing what's happening in the run. I just want to know if BM is completely unheard of in endgame pve.
**BTW**As I said my gear/setup is crap, so don't troll on my setup. I'm just asking if anyone does Raid in BM or poss. SV
BM can be done, and hold it's own, in PvE...

...unless the fight involves switching targets, or aerial combat (see: Atremedes). Then you're screwed.
Not BM related so edited
holding up my end of the bargain

if you enjoy beast mastery, you should play it. for progression stuff and serious raiding, it is not ideal. but it is absolutely a playable spec for 90% of the stuff in this game. just has inherent wonkiness compounded by target switching, pet travel, and weaker aoe than the other two specs.
Not BM related so edited
Deleted by Tianchi
Good point.
The Pet focus "bug" they fixed with this last patch crippled pet damage, thus crippling your DPS. The new stances finished us off.

I too was a fan of using BM and had enjoyed being able to actually use my rare beasts again. However I now do ~3k less DPS than pre-4.2 and it's my opinion that that is just too far under MM to justify using.

If you are only running 5 man heroics (non troll versions) then this is not a problem.

I do the 5man ZA/ZG just fine. No one's ever /lol'd at me for being BM as long as I pull my weight.

Now I have to agree, BM is doing way under MM right now, and I'm still hopeful Blizzard will come off their "omg itz a leveling build lulz" horse with the rest of the community (non-hunters). It's high time they made "Exotic" creatures better in the long run to me, just to even out the damage gap.

But that's wishing.

EDIT: I've also read that Sic'em was broken in 4.2, does anyone know if that's true?
It is. You get the buff and the buff is consumed when your pet uses bite (or what ever), but the pet still uses 25 (50) focus regardless.

When they fix it, they should add kill comm to it. Both Surv and MM have more chances for Sic'Em to proc than BM, but it helps BM alot more than the other 2. MM can use arcane shot more in a rotaion plus have a free instant aimed shot. And Surv uses Explosive shot (is it just the first explosion or will all 3 of them proc Sic'Em) as often as we use kill comm, as well as using arcane (outside of lock and load). Where as we have one maybe two chances a rotaion outside of BW.

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