[:1]To make your targeting work like before the patch, make macros that look like:
/cast arcane shot
You should get almost the same functionality as before.
Please report me for sticky so every freaking post isn't about this.
I totally agree with Wintersgrace. This is what I have been using before patch and it work awesome for me:
/cast Hunter's Mark
/cast Lifeblood(Rank 3)
Life blood of course is optional. Trinkets should work the same here as well. If you us my macro, it works best with pet on passive
Alternatively, you can just punch yourself in the face until your eyes swell shut and smash the hell out fo your keyboard whilst praying to your preferred higher power for BIG DEEPS.
Hey, theres no reason to be an a-hole. Why you so angry?
I'm just saying. Its an option.
Don't let this guy bother you. He trolled the other hunter posts in the same fashion. Either or some people get very angry over change and are resistant to tailor their ways to make it work.
I see this post as helping others, not forcing anyone to play our play style.
No I agree that its a helpful post. I just resent the fact that so many people who play this game are so dense so often.
oh... okay. I totally agree with you. Please disregard my last post then. Now, I feel like the a-hole. lol
Well it did seem like I was talking to the op in my post and if so I apologize.
I was mainly talking to the faceless hordes of inept huntards.
LMAO!!! So true.
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