Saturday, April 14, 2012

Any "Servers First-Tame Deth'tilac" achiev?

[:1]Is there such an achievement if someone was first to tame "Deth'tilac"?
If its the most powerful and rarest, i think it would deserve it
and if someone already got it would u guys know if they did?
My friend already has this and has had it. He said it wasn't the hardest to get, and that it was actually pretty easy.
I wouldn't call it the hardest one. But most time consuming. The hardest one for me was skitterflame. He was hard to get, lots of correct timing.
I got server 2nd on all but yellow Spider.
Server Second on Karkin
and server First on Ban

still need the 3 kitties
I tamed her a 4:49am June 29, 2011 And no Achiv for me ALSO

I tamed every other Rare pet in Molten Front but the Crab and by Far
Skarr is the best... FRICKIN METAL CAT!
Well the strats for all the spider and rare tames have been up on petopia for a week, do you really think it's deserving of an achievement :|

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